 | This user is proud to be an American. |
 | This user climbed Mount Baldy and lived to tell about it. |
Currently editing only occasionally. Tired of the drama.
I live in Maryland. I have a wife and two children.
I am a devoted Catholic, a member of the Secular Franciscan Order, and the Knights of Columbus.
All the perils and grievous falls which have happened in this world have arisen from nothing else but the uplifting of the head - that is, of the mind - by pride. - Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi
Blessed the man who is patient with his neighbor's shortcomings as he would like him to be if he were in a similar position himself. - Writings of St. Francis
Joy is a need for us and a source of strength, even physically. A Sister who cultivates a spirit of joy feels less tired and is always ready to do good. A Sister who is filled with joy preaches without preaching. A joyful Sister is like a ray of the sunshine of God's love, the hope of an eternal joy, the flame of an ardent love. - Blessed Teresa of Calcutta